The bloody aftermath of ISU-Weber State Women's basketball:
War is hell, man
Well, what a game that was! Unlike my previous post where I predicted a low-scoring game, this game not only went into overtime, but also it greatly exceeded my predicted 37-30 final score. Yes, I know that sounds redundant, but I was banking on the uber-awesome defenses of Carla Taylor and Angela Munger. Here's why that didn't happen: I didn't figure on super long-range artillery being a factor in this game!!! Other than being utilized as Grade-A Defense Softener, I figured those 120-mm howitzers would be used as back-up. Boy, was I wrong. Both teams exploded over the front lines and went wild, an incredible battle-royale! The Weberians used their deep reserve units to wear down the vigilant ISU defenders; wave after wave of purple-clad warriors gladly sacrificed themselves for the Weberian Fire Gods and Carla Taylor. Many were lost; 77,000 are reported to have joined the Great Wildcat on His Fiery Throne. The Weberians, undeterred by the frequent rallies and comebacks (initiated by Major Brown and Major Grohs, which were just brilliant in keeping defenders' morale high...kudos) managed to exact an incredible 78,000 casualties. General Munger has not issued any press releases, nor has General Robertson, both of whom are speculated to be at central command deep within Space Fortress Holt planning the Weberian's eventual downfall with a rumored counterattack on the Dee Central Space Colony on Side 5, located in geosynchronous orbit roughly 3/5's the distance to the moon.
Seriously, though, it was a very hard fought game featuring 11 lead changes and an absolutely WILD 5 minutes in regulation. Neither team refused to quit, and although I'm not much with moral victories, I give my biggest kudos to both teams. Way to play guys!!!! Giant kudos to ISU for giving this kind of effort with 8 players. Can you say, "BALLERS?!"
Interesting notes: The Bengalian Defense Corps were brilliant in making the Weberians pay for every yard they gained on the ground. Even though the Weberians were victorious, the battle was incredibly costly for the Weberians and they still left the central command post intact. With a General Staff like the one Field Marshall Soboleski has, that's going to come back and bite you in the form of a giant solar-powered laser hitting your central fortress to wipe away any thoughts of resistance as the Bengal Corps come marching in declaring victory.
Kudos to Jenna Brown, that sneaky ninja! She played like a player possessed and was incredible the entire game, dashing left and right with shots here, passes there and layups-a-plenty. With Weberian forces about to withdraw, she managed to wipe out an entire unit of unsuspecting Weberians with her shuriken and took control of a still-functioning artillery device. She used it to fire one last shot, even though the battle was lost. Defiant to the end, The Ninja let it be known that she'll play to the very last. She's a baller, yo!
Oana Iacovita is a tough, tough player. She took a rifle butt to the head and still played like a champion! She had a great game, including nailing a 3. It's not often you see a post hit 3's, even in women's basketball, so it was a treat indeed. Way to be, Oana!
Also needin' some kudos is The Sheila Adams. She sprained her ankle in the 2nd half, giving the crowd and this blog author a heart attack in the process. She was back up and running, thanks to the amazing talents of Jody Wotowey, who almost certainly possesses magical healing powers not unlike the Great Faeries in the Legend of Zelda. Sheila, keep up the good work! You're gonna be...A STAR!!!
Finally, kudos for Weber State. I know, I know...but still, they played very well. They overcame ISU's defense, an incredible final 5 minutes of regulation, a certain ISU die-hard and held on to win. They may have a 2-6 conference record, but they played like a championship-caliber team. Kudos to Carla Taylor and the Weber State team.
I'm in no way ripping on ISU here, but this game could have been won. The biggest difference maker, bigger than 3 pointers, great defensive plays or 120-mm artillery pieces throws. Yes, those simple, boring, fundamental free throws, IMO, cost us the game. 8 free throws may seem like a small, insignificant bunch of points, even smaller when you figure in that the Weberians missed 14 (courtesy of yours truly, babaaay!). However, look at the point difference in the final with Jenna's last-ditch 3: 78-77. 1 point. Now look at it without that last 3: 78-74. 8 free throws...4 points with no 3...hmmmmm...
"To hell with the trenches, MELEE ON THE COURT!!!"
Overall, even though this was a gut-wrenching defeat, I'm happy. Why? Well, look what we did with 8 players (more like 7, as Jeni Guertin did not get in until a few seconds left in OT). We took Weber State to the brink; we took them to OT with just 7 players. I wish we had a bigger bench, but shit's happened the past few months (injuries, academic trouble and credits not being transferred...the latter should never happen, ever. No excuses!) that's prevented that luxury. I'm sure this team will be very hungry for the game Saturday. These women have their sights set on not only finishing the season, but making a statement in the process. I can see it in their eyes and I can see it in their coaches' eyes. They are determined and as hellbent as ever to play. Not only will this never-say-die effort reward them richly with victories, but they will also be conducted safe passage by the Valkyries to Valhalla, where they will become Einherjar and drink their fill of delicious victory mead. Thank you guys, you've played great so far, don't quit!!! Keep on fighting! Forget kudos for you guys, you all get Chugs on the Shoulders!
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